IAAM Young Scientist Medal to Liu Kai
 Liu Kai, a doctoral candidate of Class 2023 under the supervision of Researcher Jing Lin at the State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, was recently invited to deliver online a presentation entitled “Bamboo-inspired Energy-absorbing Tubes Used for Rail Vehicles” at the “European Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress” held in Sweden, and was awarded the IMMA...
The Special Lecture of "100 Academicians Entering Campus" Held by The Science and Technology Commission of The Ministry of Education was Successfully Held -- Academician Zhai Wanming Preached the Academic Atmosphere
In order to further improve the education of scientific ethics and academic norms for graduate students and guide them to firmly establish the consciousness of academic integrity and academic norms,the special lecture was held successfully in the college student hall of Jiuli Campus on Dec. 23rd.Prof. Zhai Wanming,academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, foreign academician of American Acade...
The 3rd Meeting of the 8th Academic Committee was Held
On December 15, TPL held 2021 academic committee meeting.More than 30 academicians and 150 experts attended the meeting through a combination of online and offline. President Yang Dan attended the meeting and delivered a speech. First of all, on behalf of Southwest Jiaotong University and Secretary Wang Shunhong, he extended his warmest welcome to all academicians, members and experts attending...
[Lecture] Wheel/rail contact mechanics and wear Speaker: Dr. Binbin Liu, Tenure-track Associate Professor, Politecnico di MilanoTime: 10:00, July 18, 2023, GMT+8Venue:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTQzMjA2OTUtODk3Mi00ZGE0LWFkZGEtOGUzZTQ0NDBkYWI5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220b6b9a6a-d9d6-4ef0-a36f-5dc22f35388b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b3a4a853-427e-4c6d-b1c2-e9007...
The 28th IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and TracksCall for PapersOn behalf of the Symposium Organizing Committee, the International Scientific Committee, and the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD), we invite you to attend the 28th IAVSD Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks in Ottawa, Canada on August 21 – 25, 2023. For further infor...
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense (Supervisor: Prof. DAI Huanyun)Name: FENG YaqinMajor: Vehicle Operation EngineeringTitle: Research on Bolt Failure Mechanism under Nonlinear Vibrations of High-speed Train Axle BoxSupervisor: Prof. DAI HuanyunDate: January 6, 2025Time: 10:00Venue: Room 314, A1 House, State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Vehicle System, Jiuli CampusDissertation CommitteeChair:Prof. HUANG Hongzhong,...



Digital simulation platform for high speed train

 The digital simulation platform for high speed train is composed of high-speed train digital simulation system, high-speed train virtual prototyping system, simulation hardware support system, high-speed train design center, high-speed train driving training center. The platform provides support for the research on the design, performance assessment and optimization of high-speed trains. Funct...

Evacuated tube high temperature superconducting (HTS) maglev vehicle test system

Based on the passive self-stable HTS Maglev conceived in 2000, a 45-m-long high-temperature superconducting Maglev evacuated tube transport (HTS Maglev-ETT) test system was successfully developed. The system mainly consists of three parts: an HTS Maglev-vehicle-guideway coupling system with 1-t load capability at a levitation gap of 10 mm, a 45-m-long racetrack-type evacuated tube with a 2-m-di...

High temperature superconducting maglev high speed test platform

At the end of 2019, the State key Laboratory of traction Power added a high-temperature superconducting maglev module on the basis of the 400 km/h multi-function high-speed train simulation test platform, and built a high-speed test platform for high-temperature superconducting maglev vehicle. At the same time, the development and installation of double-wire magnetic tracks, vehicle-mounted hig...

Dynamic performance test rig of full-scale track structures for high-speed railway

 This test rig has two types of loading methods to study dynamic behavior. The first method uses a static bogie to transfer the dynamic force produced by a hydraulic system. The second method uses a hydraulic system to exert force on the rail. There are six types of track structures equipped in this system, including ballast track, twin-block ballastless track, ballastless tracks of CRTS-I, CRT...

Vibrating Roller Rigs for Rolling Stock

Vibrating Roller Rigs is capable of carrying out the Dynamic testing, Traction and electric braking performance testing of full size vehicles, Hunting stability testing of vehicles, and Evaluation of operation stability and passenger comfort.